Q: Is the smart contract code "audited"? This contract is not audited, nor are there current plans to audit the contract. The contract is entirely open-sourced on Github and verified on Polygonscan. The core parts of the contract (the enter/exit mechanism for vGHST, the Aavegotchi functionality, etc.) are mainly forked directly from projects that have been audited. This code has been reviewed by multiple independent Aavegotchi community members with coding/Solidity experience who are familiar with the Aavegotchi codebase.

Q: Do I need to do anything to get XP rewards for "experiential" events? (e.g., a stress test or minigame)

Yes. You will need to withdraw your Aavegotchi and participate in these "experiential" events. Once you participate, however, you can re-deposit the Aavegotchi into the Vault, and the XP will be sent directly to your Aavegotchi.

Last updated